Cryostasis Chamber
This is a real-time environment made using Unreal Engine 5. It is an original concept exploring a futuristic Cryo Chamber inspired by the universe of Starfield, Apex Legends, and Halo. The project allowed me to explore industrial design, hard surface asset creation, shader creation, and a little bit of organic sculpting for the game development pipeline.
The hero Cryostasis Chamber design was inspired by Jens Holdener's work on the Apex Legends team.
This project was created using: UE5, Maya, Substance Painter, Substance Designer, Zbrush, and Photoshop.
Responsible for all assets. Fog cards which are made by "William Faucher".

I found the most challenging part of this project was finding a balance between organic and hard surface forms, in order to create the most visually striking image possible. ​
Modular Kit
Here are beauty renders of my modular kit used to make the environment.
All pieces were designed by myself.
​Visual design is a skill I'm always working on developing and find it so rewarding to create new shapes and forms. For this project I referenced a wide range of early Industrial Design material. I looked specifically at Nasa Aerospace technology, design work by Dieter Rams, and Science fiction games (particularly Starfield, Apex Legends, and Halo).